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Well through Valentine’s Day…

Well, we did it.  We have completed another year, whether successfully or unsuccessfully, it is now behind us. And the best part? Spread out ahead of us, month after month, is another year. Untapped, pliable, wide open real estate on our Gregorian calendar. What will you do with yours?

I have goals set, which I am SURE, like everyone else, WILL be met even well past February 14: the date that the bulk of America quits, begs it to stop, drops out of their once-upon-a-time, hand-to-god-type-swear-to-oneself that THIS year will be different, that this year, all-resolutions-WILL-be-seen-to-fruition type resolutions.

But, regardless of seemingly impossible odds, I have goals set. I am sure you do, too. Not resolutions, necessarily, as resolutions tend to get a bad rap, perhaps because we typically don’t land them. Instead, we quit them easily before Valentine’s Day. I like to set goals instead of resolutions. Perhaps this is a bit tomato/tomato, or a case in semantics, but for whatever reason, for me, “goals” offer less pressure than does the idea of “resolutions”.

Go get ‘em, this year! Map out your goals, or dare I say resolutions. For best results, spread them out over the next twelve months, four quarters, three hundred and sixty-five days. And whatever you do, whatever your goals, make sure you toss in the act of sending more love to your people, your friends, your family, your people. This is something that will truly make the world a better place: more love given. Don’t assume your people KNOW already. It’s best if you assume that they DON’T know how much you love them. And then take the time to let them know. You’ll never regret being a good, loving version of yourself. Maybe giving more love to your people can be your biggest goal…and maybe you can deliver such a nice idea…

well through Valentine’s Day…and everyday beyond.

Happy New Year!

In helpfulness,
Beth Clardy Lewis, LPC-S
Founder and Creative Director at Vervewell


1814 8th Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76110

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